OHIJ Bi-Annual Update
Boy, has it been a crazy week. First, Aaron Jerome Aroma moved into his new digs down the street, so now we are just a married couple, a recovering salvation army worker, and their two adorable, egomaniacal cats. Farewell, licensed flashdancing aesthetician, we will come visit you soon!!
Second, I turned 30. I have a lot to say about that, little of which is easily articulated.
Thirdly, our great country elected an amazing, capable leader named Barack Obama president, and a generation sobbed realizing that they actually have emotions and are capable of feeling passion and trust once again.
And we painted the living room. Always a nice way to start bringing about change, with a nice new coat of paint.
Aside from these spectacular achievements, I'd like to invite everyone to a few things happening about town! First, our good friend and spectacular pianist/composer David Shenton is giving a free concert TONIGHT in Sunnyside at the All Saint's Episcopal Church (43-12 46th Street):

Our own Mr. Moray Watson did a lovely job on the promotional poster.
Next! I'm playing a few upcoming gigs - I've been playing piano in an excellent show in Brooklyn called "LORD OXFORD BRINGS YOU THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION, LIVE!
being the necessary and appropriate response to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's suppression of the freedoms and dignity of the European-American settlers and their descendants in the Royal Eastern American Colonies and the inordinate conferring of special favours and privileges on the merciless Indian savages and the former Negro slaves, in the year Two Thousand and Eight"

It's quite awesome theater. The premise is "What if we hadn't won the Amercian Revolution and were instead at a taping of a highly-rated Lawrence Welk-esqe propoganda machine of the British Empire?" I'm leading a small stage band including myself on piano, along with accordion and bass. We are rocking-out friend Matt Van Brink's excellent arrangements. The show is at the Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn - (575 Metropolitan Ave - take the L train the Lorimer, it's on the north side Metropolitan Ave between Union and Lorimer). Here's a nice review that does a good job describing the show:
It's running Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 from now until Nov. 22nd. Please come! Very worth it.
Lastly, I'm subbing on piano for This Ambitious Orchestra on Monday night at 8 at Mercury Lounge (217 E. Houston Street). The bandleader/singer is our Lord Oxford accordionist Benjamin Ickies, and he's assembled a really cool group of orchestra musicians to play his wonderfully arranged rock songs. Really looking forward to playing with them.
Oh! Also, Andi, Erin, David and I are doing Carabet Cares again at the Laurie Beechman theater (West Bank Cafe on 42nd and 8th Ave) on Nov. 17th, so check that out as well if you can. Andi and I are going to do Alec Wilder's Blackberry Winter. Not sure what I'm going to play yet, thinking about working up a piano arrangement of "Reckoner". Anyway, here's the info for that:

*phew* I think that's everything.
Thank you for the news.
It all sounds so exciting to me, here in the provinces.
And a farewell thought for Mr. Forsyth: Aaron Jerome, I hardly knew ye (in the platonic sense, of course.) I still hope to meet you someday.
As fate would have it, just after messaging a farewell to AJA, my sweetheart read to me a newspaper story which may be of some interest to Rochester expatriates:
Serial killer Arthur Shawcross, who was serving life in prison for strangling, mutilating and cannibalizing eleven women in the Rochester area, has died at 63.
The cause of death is still under investigation."
Phoebe remarked: "food poisoning."
(Victims were killed in the period 1988 to 1990.)
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