Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bear Necessities

Because it made me laugh out loud, I have to share an excerpt from Newsweek's coverage of the G8 Summit. By Richard Wolffe. Weeks old, but I only just got around to reading it this weekend:

The other world leaders arrive that evening, and the official summit begins with a lavish feast. The dinner is something out of a Fellini epic, staged at the magnificent Peterhof Palace, built by Peter the Great. The scene is a uniquely Russian mix of historical grandeur, political power and touristy kitsch. The Russians offer a seven-course meal including Caviar and beef stroganoff ... served by waiters wearing powdered wigs. Outside, a bear dressed in a green tutu with pink polka dots performs tricks. Inside, Chancellor Merkel starts to tell the story of a rare wild bear that was recently shot and killed in Germany. This prompts Japan's Junichiro Koizumi to reel off every bearlike word in his English vocabulary. "Teddy bear," he says for no apparent reason. "We must bear criticism. Unbearable." The leaders all start giggling.


Blogger Maria said...

oh my.

i deffinitely didn't want to know that. part of me is happy to see the human side of politics, but most of me is sad in the confirmation that yes, the political world is really just a circus. bears in tutus and all.

bears aside, the thought of world leaders being served caviar by waiters in powdered wigs while beirut and israel started bombing each other makes me want to throw up. though i spose that would be the obvious comment.

ah, let 'em eat cake. har har.

8/07/2006 07:14:00 PM  

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