Virtual Silence
Well, it occurred to me that I never keep up on things. That, in addition to the fact that I spend hours aimlessly searching the internet for who knows what (rarely interesting or important), inspired me to add a bookmark folder of blogs that my friends have made (or that I've just found somewhere and liked). Moray is way ahead of me on this, his illustrious bookmark folder has many categories, thoroughly catalogued, and he knows just where to find everything. Me, I still google the same thing 50 times instead of just bookmark it somewhere. Not to mention the bookmarks I DO have, are really boring and out of date. Do I really need a tab for google, when I have a google search box built into my browser?
Wow, I'm boring. But I digress. All of this leads to the fact that now I have a blogs folder, NO ONE has updated their blog in weeks. I guess everyone isn't as exciting as I thought they were. Although I will point our daily readers to Mr. Van Brink's Schnitzelmusik, which has a great sale on composer/food related t-shirts. My favorite was Ligeti and Meatballs. Rest his soul.
Speaking of mourning, I, like many other New Yorkers, I imagine, are grieving at the thought of missing out on Radiohead last month at MSG. Unfortunately, my clicking finger just wasn't fast enough. Although apparently Ed Norton and one of the Bush twins (AND her bodyguards) all have fingers of lightning. Guffaw. Apparently they ended the first show with my fave, "How To Disappear Completely." Sigh. I watched a video on youtube of the show, and when they got to the part "Stroooobe lights, and blown speakers", the crowd suddenly started singing very loudly, and very out-of-tune. It's awesome. If I wasn't too lazy to create a link, I'd link. But I'm too lazy ass.
I'm sure after all that, there must be something interesting for me to say. Oh! We had a great 4th of July party, although we forgot to take pictures, so you'll all have to take my word for it. However, someone left behind a sad, lonely Wholefoods bag, which Basil is holding hostage in exchange for some tasty gibblets. I think it belongs to the Van Brunts. Anyone know?

Meanwhile, Moray has been busy making the world a more beautiful place.
I've been updating mine! Except it isn't a proper blog, really, and I was writing about the plumbing - but still complaining almost every day for the last week or so.
Kate xx
I thought the point of blogging was to moan, kind of stress relief for stress filled life styles, will add your blog to mine
Sweet of you hen :)
I'm off to Skye tomorrow; have yet to finish paper ....
schnitzelmusik i like it
but never heard a synphonie for grubenschnitzel
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