Friday, November 04, 2005

Masturbation, just a different kind....... ooh, did I get you interested

The old lady and I went to see Rob Balbucci last night at the 'knitting factory' NY, friggin hell guitar wank never looked so good, It was a 3 member set with Ethan on bass and a foxy female drummer 'banging' away at the back. His Ibanez was completely used (I'm sure I saw steam at one point), I have to admit I was impressed, my only real experience with 'Rock guitar' solo's really came in the from of 'Transformers the Movie', anyone who has seen it knows that the music made it cool, you cried when Optimus Prime was out-witted by Megatron, only finally to die with a tear filled guitar whine playing whimsically through a mono speaker in the background. (you all know you did), (Aaron back me up here)sniff.
Anyway it was like watching an animal in it's natural habitat, imagine someone with a ferrari and actually pushing it to it's limits on a private track. Not for everyone but then in a world full of corporate music Phish mush, you can't help appreciating someone ACTually giving a shit about what they do. I really enjoy watching and listening to music even if It isn't my particular taste, if it is done with the love and passion that it deserves.


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