Picture Overload!
For Beth Ann's dad... (and all else interested!) Here are some more pics of the Prentiss Club. I would like to mention that this is actually someone's house. You will notice the dog casually sleeping on the red couch! (also please notice the portrait of another dog in a girl's dress, very bizarre) I'll also put up some more random music pics. Enjoy!
To your left, you'll see a dog painted lovingly in a tutu.

We couldn't fit the giant velvet canopy in this picture...

Roses... with dog
Random statue in entranceway
Random swan

Dining room
Green room
Most glamourous bathroom ever
Piano featured in furniture book (there's a giant sun carving above the pedals that makes it mostly unplayable, ironicaly)

Random swans! Dogs in dresses! Piano pedals rendered unplayable by baroque ornamentation.
Did I say Random Swans? That is an instant band name.
Wish I'd been there. I'm sure it sounded amazing.
Opulence. Ostentatious? Overdone? Over the top?
Oh, me. Oh, my.
I don't think so.
If I'm really, really honest, I'll admit that I could tolerate those digs.
Thanks for the posting.
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