Friday, January 27, 2006

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Hello world! Hello New York! Hello House in Jersey!

As of next week, we'll finally have a phone number. I felt just awful last night when Beth Ann came in and showed me her cell phone, which already was troublesome and costing her too much since it was pay-as-you-go, but then it finally blitzed out last night, and she could no longer actually get it to respond to any button-pushing. As in, she could no longer dial, call, hang up, or turn the phone off. So, 6 months after we move in, and a good, solid, 60 minutes of being passed around various verizon customer service representatives explaining that a previous tenant (probably the one that was housing 5 families of illegal immigrants here) turned our one-family-dwelling into 3 separate floors with 3 seperate phone lines (and it needed to be completely rewired), someone finally told me to start the process over. That was a long sentence. Anyway, after 40 seconds of filling in an internet form, now ya'll can call us as of next week. hoo-rah!

However, we still don't have any doors on our boiler cupboard. Our handyman never showed up yesterday. Well, one thing at a time, in our house in jersey!

Switching gears, I'd just like to say congratulations to Heather Daly and Mike Van Brunt, the cutest couple known to humankind. They had a wonderful wedding last weekend up in Mass., and I managed to keep my cold at bay long enough to play the wedding march for them! Also, just like to shout out to the nice Hornellians we saw up there... Rich Havorka, I've never seen anyone enjoy singing "Sweet Caroline" as much as you. You're the best. Also, excellent to see Paul Brewster, whom I haven't seen in a good 13 years, as well as Matt Oravec and Jason Nield! Rockin'. Everyone seems to be well, except poor Jason Nield (I'm probably slaughtering the spelling of his name), who had a broken hip. Poor guy.

Anyway, Mike and Heather are livin' it up in Hawaii this week, hope they're enjoying themselves. They are probably really sad they're missing out on our gusty, freezing, 26 degree weather.

Okay, with that, signing off...

-Marna Pitarna


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings Jerseyites!

I don't know about Jason Nield/Neild, but you got my name wrong. :-) S'OK! BTW, I was only demonstrating my "Sweet Caroline at a sporting event" technique. Oh, how I hope I wasn't "That Guy" at the wedding. If I have a goal in life, it probably is to never be "That Guy."

It was great to see M&M again, and I enjoyed Maria's organ perfomance. I'm sorry I didn't get to hang out more...I was a victim of my own Brownian Motion with so many people pulling me in various directions. Worlds collided!

So I'm setting up my new friend, Tivo, and I have to wait a bit, so I'll write more. I went to Target today to buy some things for My Apartment In Connecticut (that has a lot more syllables than yours, it seems). I went to Target because that's where we're supposed to go and pretend that they don't do any of the bad things that Wal-Mart does. I saw a child walking in front of me, when suddenly, she took a couple quick steps and leaned back and started rolling! Several times! There were wheels concealed in her shoes. "OK," I said. "Pretty neat." A few minutes later, I realized that every kid in the whole damn store had these things. Zinging and swerving all over the and out of the aisles, every which way. I was surrounded. It was a bit of a revelation. How out of touch with the world am I? Not only did I not know these things existed, but that every kid had 'em. Putting my finger on the emotion I felt is tough, but I think it has to be rooted in jealousy. Why didn't these things exist when I was that age? We all thought about having shoes with wheels. These kids today, what with their iPods, XBoxes, Tivos and their blogs, and now their rolling shoes. If they go home and play with jet packs before dinner, I'm going to be very upset.

See ya!

PS: my verification word is: dvikfhbp.

1/28/2006 12:39:00 AM  
Blogger Maria said...

actually, the more appropriate story is that moray and I were the only ones who WEREN'T singing along, mostly because we didn't know the words!!!!! So, we were "those lame-o people". Eek! I just singled you out because you were adorable. I'm not sure if that's worse or not, guffaw. anyway, neil diamond aside, it was awesome awesome to see you! two weeks in a row, we're so spoiled.

Um, and just for the record, I spelt your name wrong to keep your identity secrect, now that you're working for the man and all, guffaw. um, yeah! doh!

good luck with tivo, rich!!! :D

p.s., my word was xwoyuj

1/28/2006 03:46:00 AM  
Blogger Liz/Beth Ann said...

Dude. I might go make some hot chocolate in a minute, just so I can use my Neil Diamond mug. That's right: my Neil Diamond mug. Purchased at an actual Neil Diamond concert. I said it, and it feels good.

Rich, did you know that Maria used to write phrases/sentences out of people's names (like "Maria, da senator" for her own)? Yours was "Italian people eat rich cake with ha fork-a." I'm sure I must've told you that before, but I'm bringing it up now b/c I have a hunch that's why somewhere in the depths of her brain she thinks your name is H-A instead of H-O. Anyway, hope you're finding your way around CT okay and loving your new place. Come visit again. (We've been having to play the bean game with only three players.)

Ditto the congrats to Mike & Heather! I can't possibly describe how cute and nice and wonderful I think they are, so I'm not even going to try.

Maria: Don't feel bad about my phone, dude! It's not your fault. And it's fixed now. No worries. =) Dude.

p.s. My verification word is "bethann/lizrules". What are the odds?

1/29/2006 06:14:00 PM  

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