Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I'd write a caption for this post, but it would probably just be rejected.

The #@&&^## caption contest people at The #&!#(&## New Yorker have gone too far. These people have the nerve -- the NERVE -- to try and use my failure to sell me something. Here, cut and pasted directly from my email box, is what the #!$&!@#*s sent me. And I don't even think they sent it just to me -- I think they sent it to LOTS of people. Jerks.

Greetings Elisabeth,

Captions are funny things. Hopefully. Here's one of mine -

As a continuing and semi-regular contributor of cartoons to The New Yorker, I'd like to thank you personally for your heroically humorous efforts in the caption contest. If you've won, congratulations! If not, you're still in very inspiring company. To wit—

There have been over 300,000 entries to this point. We've had a variety of entrants, from noted film critic Roger Ebert to local celebrity Edward Surek of Sheboygan, Wisconsin (my father-in-law). Neither has won yet, but keep up the good work.

Trust me, it's not easy being funny (or getting published). You might be interested to know that I average about 40 submissions for every one published. Plus, I've yet to have a cartoon grace the caption contest. But I'm not giving up and neither should you! Perhaps one day my cartoon and your caption will become one. I'm misting up just thinking about it. So take pleasure in your glorious caption quest and know that the cartoon gurus at the home office appreciate your efforts, as do the cartoonists. (After all, without you, there is no caption contest.)

So, good luck and keep those courageous captions coming!

Best wishes,

Michael Shaw
Cartoon Contributor, The New Yorker

P. S. has the perfect way to help you Captioneers immortalize your caption contributions. Our new Caption It! Cartoons allow you to purchase a contest cartoon print with your caption. And at the introductory price of only $49.95, who can resist the fame? Visit here for more information. And as always, if you are a Club member, you will receive complimentary standard shipping* on your order.

*Only applicable on standard shipping within the continental U.S.


Blogger Maria said...

Aaahhh!!!! That's so AWFUL!!!!!!!

and to put it in a post-script, that's just downright insulting! But on the bright side, at least Roger Ebert was rejected for the caption contest too.

$45, wow, that's SO not a bargain.

5/22/2006 10:44:00 PM  

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