Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Thunder Lizard Continues To Be Thy Name

The voice in my head is Alex Trebek's.

It doesn't sound like Alex Trebek, but it's definitely him. I know this because every now and then he wakes me up in the middle of the night to provide me with an answer for which I have to remember the question.

Alex: Ned
Me: What was Nancy Drew's boyfriend's name?
Me: Oh! Ned Nickerson. That's right. Sheesh, I've been trying to remember that all day.
Alex: It's 4:21 a.m.
Me: $&^#.
Alex: I'm sorry. You didn't phrase that in the form of a question.

Of course, Alex only gives me an answer if he happens to have one. For the really tough questions I have to perform thorough and extensive research, often while I'm awake.

Take, for instance, this important question that began tickling my brain in the fall of 2005, when I'd just moved to Jersey City: What does "Thunder Lizard Be Thy Name" mean and why did somebody write it on a mailbox on Jersey Avenue?

Forgoing a review of literature, I immediately devised and implemented a comprehensive research plan to address this pressing question. Wasting no time, I took the following concrete steps:

1. Posting an entry to this blog in which I mentioned the mailbox graffiti.
2. Pointing out the graffiti to upwards of three visiting friends as we happened to walk by the mailbox.

I am pleased to report that my exhaustive efforts have led to success. I have determined what "Thunder Lizard Be Thy Name" is.

My first breakthrough came in December 2006 when somebody's Google search for "Thunder Lizard Be Thy Name" led him to our blog and in turn led me to the answer. I regret that I did not immediately report my findings.

Shortly thereafter, an anonymous tipster left a comment on the original blog entry, solving the mystery forever. Since Anonymous phrased it so well (as he/she always does, that master of poetry and prose), I shall simply quote him/her here:

"thunder lizard be thy name is a band from jersey city. sorry to end the mystery"

So there you have it. One of life's great unanswered questions, answered. Of course, this new insight only leads to more questions: What inspired the name? What kind of music do they play? Who are their influences? Where do they play? Will I be able to talk anyone into going to a show with me?

I'll take "Overthinking Trivial Things" for a thousand, Alex.


Blogger Maria said...

Well, I'd like to mention that "thunder lizard" is a baddie in Golden Sun for the game boy advance (along with the storm, tornado, and tempest varieties of lizard).

Although I'm quite certain no one would name a band after that. I certainly wouldn't.

2/27/2007 11:53:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think subconsciously this means that you really want a lizard and that lizard would henceforth be known as THUNDER LIZARD! (:

2/28/2007 06:45:00 AM  

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