Ok here we go again! Spin the wheel of whimsy
I'm wearin'
Fur pyjamas
I ride a
Hot Potata'
It's tickling my fancy
Speak up, I can't hear you
If I've got to run instead of feeling proud
If I've got to find you in a big wide crowd
No doubt the country side is waiting for me
There ain't no answer to what I say.
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
now here's the sun, it's alright! now here's the moon, it's alright!
now here's the sun, it's alright! now here's the moon, it's alright!
but everytime you close your eyes, lies!
Hashem S'fasai tiftach u-fee yagid tehilasecha
Hashem S'fasai tiftach u-fee yagid tehilasecha
Open up my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise
Open up my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise
Fuck it man (Funny, man?)
I've been told
All that glitter is not gold
And gold is not reality,
Momma, real is what you laid on me
I remember it was that Wednesday
Oh when it rained and it rained
They traipsed mud all over the house
It took hours and hours to scrub it out
All over the hall carpet
I took my mop and bucket
And I cleaned and I cleaned
The kitchen floor
Until it sparkled
Then I took my laundry basket
And put the linen all in it
And everything I could fit in it
And all our dirty clothes that hadn't gone into the wash
And all your shirts and jeans and things
And put them in the new washing machine
Washing machine
Washing machine
So many lies
So many lies
So many lies
So feel the love come off of them
And take me in your arms
Peel all of your layers off
I want to eat your artichoke heart
No more leaky holes in your brain
And no false starts
They got the mustard out!
Big smiles, everyone.
You beat the bad guy.
What a lot of fun
You guys have been real swell
And there’s not a one who can say
This ended well
Do you know that hue of my new blue jeans?
Can you judge the mood of the preteens?
Shrink my dreams to fit me with those laser beams.
To roll with rollerina is never quite as it seems.
But then you see someone new
And you want someone new
So you have someone new
I don't blame you
We would all do the same as you
If ever we had the nerve to