Dave, Scott, Kevin, Bruce, & Mark were my first true loves.
Well. I figure I ought to contribute to this thing sooner or later, and since Maria just put a computer in my lap, there's no time like the present.
I suppose the first thing I ought to do is reiterate Maria's point that we all like each other. The ongoing quarrel between Aaron and Moray is really just a brotherly competition at a game called "Monkeyball". My three roomies (or, as Moray would say, "flatmates") are all really into video games. I'm not.
The second thing I feel I ought to do is give a brief description, from my humble point of view, of our cohabitation over the past week and a half. It can be summed up pretty simply: We stay up far too late each evening, laughing at each other's antics. Aaron, in particular, keeps me in stitches with his quick wit. I hope that his brilliant wit comes across to our readers (and I think it does, because I'm pretty sure all of our readers live here and know Aaron). He does, as evidenced by his earlier posts, have a rare form of Tourett's Syndrome that focuses, ironically, on the female reproductive system. But that only adds to his hilarity, even for forward-thinking women of the 21st century such as Maria and myself.
Once we've all giggled ourselves into the wee hours of the morning, we retire to our respective rooms, only to arise several hours later and resume giggling. The mass consumption of coffee commences. At some point in the day, we revisit a junior high school obsession of mine by watching reruns of "Kids in the Hall". Moray and Maria bought the second season on DVD, and my inner sleeping "Kids in the Hall" giant has awakened. I've become aware that either (1) I was entirely too young to be watching KITH when I first fell in love with the show, or (2) 13 year-olds are far less naive than grown-ups think. I think, actually, it's both. No wonder my mom used to get so upset with me when she'd find that I'd woken myself up in the middle of the night to watch the 2 a.m. reruns of KITH. I used to think that it was the hour that upset her; now I think it might have been the men in drag, adult humour, and occasional references to Satan. But it was all in good fun. Those five guys were brilliant.
Each day also inevitibly includes a visit with the kitties, Olivia and Basil. They're just unbelievably cute. If you knew Moray, you'd understand how important it was to introduce kitties to this household. Frankly, I'm not sure how I'd feel about living with a kitten-less Moray. (Just kidding, Moray. Sort of.)
But our giggling, "Kids in the Hall" filled, kitten-fest days are numbered. Well, at least mine are. After two weeks of between-jobs relaxation, I'm headed off to my new job tomorrow. I am the only member of this household who will be working regular, Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 hours. Nevertheless, I'm pretty psyched about the new job. It seems like an ultra-cool place, with ultra-nice people. And it doesn't hurt to have the well-wishes of my crazy Jersey roomies. Thanks for your earlier post, Aaron. Hurry home! =)